The cost of a nursing education can be costly depending on the college or university you choose to attend. Educational expenses for nursing school can be easily deferred with scholarships. First find out what scholarships your college offers in addition to researching for them on the internet. In the end you’ll find that it was well worth the time and effort researching, you just may find that you qualify for several scholarships. Depending on the amount of scholarships you might qualify for, you may not have to borrow any student loans. Student loan interest rates have been recently rising, so it’s best to try to get as many scholarships as you can.
Cherokee Uniforms
Cherokee Uniforms offers scholarships for undergraduate nurses who view two films about real-life nursing and then write an essay. They fund up to 10 scholarships a year worth $2000.00 each. The films are inspirational nursing film titled “A Nurse I Am.” Cherokee Uniforms funded a grant to David Hoffman, Emmy Award Winning director for the production of a film that would inspire nursing student and new nurses from leaving the profession in their first few years of practice. He produced two film which feature four nurses in the first film which is 32 minutes long. These nurses were all recipients of the “Cherokee Inspired Comfort Award. The second film is 62 minutes long and chronicles the how these nurses balance work and their life and continue to maintain a standard of excellence amidst the stress and challenges of work. Information:
The Army ROTC program is a great way to pay for your nursing education. Scholarships are not based on financial need, they are based on grades and merit. Their scholarship program consists of:
- Full-time scholarships.
- Scholarships awarded for the time you have left to complete your program.
- Funds for books and fees.
- You may have the option to have room and board paid in lieu of tuition, if you qualify.
Living Expenses
Monthly living expenses are based upon your level in the ROTC curriculum:
- $300/month for the first year
- $350/month for the second year
- $450/month for the third year
- $500/month for the fourth year
For information:
American Assembly for Men in Nursing (AAMN)
This program offers scholarships just for men. Their ability to offer scholarships depends on the availability of funds. Scholarship funds are provided by benevolent giving of donors and generosity of AAMN members. Six $500.00 scholarships were awarded to undergraduate students and two $1000.00 scholarships were offered to graduate students in 2013. Applicants for scholarships must be male and members of AAMN. For information:
The Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to non-traditional undergraduate students. The students have to be enrolled full-time. Students receive a $1,000 scholarship which is not renewable to the institution they are attending. Information:
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